Health Insurance: Individual
Health Insurance is very critical for you, your family, and your business. Why? The number one cause of bankruptcies in the U.S. is unpaid medical bills. Having a cost-effective health insurance plan for you and your family to protect and cover doctor visits, ER visits, hospitalizations, treatments for various illnesses such as cancer, heart attacks, strokes or others, accidents, broken bones, or the flu. We at The Pane Agency can provide several options to fit your family or business budgets.

Individual Health Insurance - How Do I Qualify for Individual Coverage? What are my Options?
For many individuals who are aging out of their parents plan, an entrepreneur, lost their employer-based coverage, or retiring before aging into Medicare, seeking out health insurance plans is a chore and can be a daunting task. Finding your providers, prescription drugs, dentists, eye doctors, pharmacies is and can be unknown for you. Then, where do I look? What’s an On-Marketplace plan, Off-Marketplace plan, Health Sharing Plans, Minimum Essential Plans, HMO, PPO, EPO, SHOP plans for businesses…the choices can be mind blowing and often confusing.
Then the next question becomes, how much utilization of my plan will I need? Are you someone who just needs a yearly physical, dental or eye exam, or may need an urgent care visit? Are you someone who has or needs care for complex health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, neurological, heart attacks, or stroke and seek to find certain care needs met? Are you a cost-conscious consumer or are you someone who desires the best health insurance money can buy? Good news is…most people will qualify for health insurance and may receive premium subsidies to help offset the costs. The great thing is with many health insurance plans, there are little to no medical questions that are asked. The Pane Agency will shop all available plans in your area, locate all of your providers, prescriptions, and what is important to you and provide you with a no-cost recommendation. This is truly a “paneless” experience for you, your family, and your business.
How Do I Get Started with my Paneless Enrollment Experience?
Complete this quick form: which takes less than a few minutes and one of our Family Member Licensed Sales Agents will contact you to help answer your questions and set a time to meet you at your home, over the phone, on a virtual call like Zoom, or somewhere in your community such as a library, coffee shop or gathering place convenient for you.
Employee Group Health Benefits
In today’s ultra-competitive labor market, many job seekers are looking more at what can this employer do for me versus how much salary can I receive? Building the correct employee benefit foundation is CRUCIAL to ATTRACTING AND RETAINING your new and existing workforce. How can The Pane Agency make this a “Paneless’ experience for you as a business owner and your HR/Office Manager.
First, we look at your employee needs. We will ask what is important to them. Is it providers they need to see? Keeping overall costs low. Prescription drugs on the formulary? Or, are they worried about a specific incident happening that will add more costs to the family budget such as a disability, chronic illness that requires a course of medical treatments or loss of income.
Next, we provide you (the employer) with solutions that will save you money. Wellness programs, supplemental/ancillary benefits, and holistic approach.